consists of an Electronic Unit , a Drop Tube Assembly, an Electromagnetic
Counter and a Marker.
The Drop Tube Assembly has a small bore silver tube
through which the drops pass and fall on a bent silver wire located below
the tube. Both the tube and wire are fixed in a plastic holder with a handle
which may be clamped to a stand. Two lead - wires are brought out for
connection to the unit.
The unit operates from 220 volts A.C. its transistorised
circuitry is triggered when a drop shorts the ends of the silver tube and
silver wire, moving the counter one number forward. A count on-off switch
is also provided.
The unit also provides power ( approximately 6 volts D.C.
) for operating an external low resistance marker or a relay , to enable the
number of drops and time between successive drops to be recorded on graph or
to trigger an ancillary equipment or apparatus. The marker is low resistance
magnetic type with a long pen for use on smoked paper.
The unit is housed in a steel cabinet attractively
finished. The drop tube assembly and marker are boxed separately.
Approx. Dimensions
Thermoionic unit : 23 X 15 X 12 cm
Accessory Box : 23 X 14 X 5 cm