is specially designed to the specifications
of Prof. K.P. Bhargava M.D. Ph.D., Head of the upgraded Department of
Pharmacology, K.G. Medical College Lucknow, provides for :
(1) Deep Lesions :
A continuously variable direct current for
the electrode implanted in the brain of an animal to create deep lesion. The
output voltage and current are separately monitored by two Four Digit
Digital display meters :
(I) 0 - 500 voltmeter.
(ii) Dual range 0 - 1
and 0 - 10 mA meter.
(2) Superficial lesions :
A variable electrode for cautery electrode
for superficial lesions.
The output is monitored by a Four Digit
Digital volt meter .
Both the circuits are independent of each
other, and have their own on off switches, pilot lamps and a pair of multi
purpose binding posts giving a variety of means of attaching leads to
external circuit.
The instrument operating from 220 volts A.C.
is housed in a ventilated attractive steel cabinet.